after you click update file it will save the edited text, PHP file, and you are done.
You should see Eile Edited successfully.
Congradulations, you have just installed a php plugin, for wordpress. now it was not that bad was it.
If you do have a problem, just go back to your backup file and copy and paste it into the editor and update file again, then you will be right back where you started out.
Safe and secure...
Ok, now there are a few things that you may want to consider, from here and it is important.
So read on.
Number, one, you may and probably will start gettin all kinds of backlinks, which is good.
At first any link is a good link but be sure that you want to have that link on your website.
For instance if they are selling adult merchandise you may not want that link on your website.
IN fact that is definitly not what you want.
But say you have a realestate website, then you want home related links, so these are the links that you will want most of all.
Please see the operation manual for additional tips and tricks to get the most out of your SEO back linking plugin.
You are now on your way to getting that great position you always wanted for your website.
but remember it is not set and forget you still have to do work...
For more information please visit our website at