Below are some examples of average writing, believe me when I say, it can get a lot worse than this.
Example of average writing, if you read it you can tell right away that it is just not up to par.
So lets take this line by line and make the average writing better.
Take a few minutes to follow along with us as we go through some of these writing topics.
Getting started with writing topics
Lets get started with the topic of writing and why not all writing is the best, we will not go into depth about writing like this was a writing course or a writing class but you should be able to get a good idea as to why a particular writing style may not be the best.
Let start with this line, often when writing you are tempted to over do it.
Lets take a look at that line above, they ask a question, to start the beginning of a book, that is just not professional, but then hey not every one can be stephen king right.
Ok, sure that makes sense, but if you were writing a book on getting organized you might want to do that first, right, so lets get orgnaized.
Starting with a title,
How to get orgainzed in ten easy minutes or less.
If you are one of those people that have a hard time getting organized in the evenings or early afternoons, then you will want to pay close attention to the contents of this book.
As you can now, see we have done a couple of very simple things here and we have changed up the way that the writing appears to the reader.
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Lets check on the next paragraph and while we can see it is ok, It needs to be changed so that it speaks a little better to the reader.
"Life is an amazing thing it can run you or you can run it" That my friends is the essense of being organized, if you want to have time to do the things you have always wanted to do, If you want to have time to achieve the goals you have always wanted to achieve, then you have to run your life not the other way around.
There is a time for everything, as one great man once said and so it is with life, there is a time to work, and a time to play, and there is a time to relax. Finding time to fit all this into your life can be a challenge, but it can be done and the best way to keep ahead of the demands on your life is to schedule your life ahead of time and stick to it as much as you can.
Take steps and actions to begin the organization of your life, you can take control and in the process learn how to help your family do the same thing.
So you can see, that by adding to the structure and the creating a better flow of information we have improved the writing.
Be sure to check back on a regular basis, as we will have more informative articles in the near future.
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