Friday, March 26, 2010

how many TVs were Busted

If you have not seen this really cool video you should watch it, it is one of the most amazing video shoots I have seen.

There was so much going on in this video, you could literally take days just looking at all the stuff they did, but with regard to how many TVs they busted.

the answer is Ten


here there are 9 TVs with the one they busted making the successful video that makes ten.

here they have two more ready to setup and two after that,


Looks like they really did a huge amount of work, it is really interesting, how they set it all up, so check it out, these guys are insane, but what a video

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The order

Ok, ever placed an order online? It can be a litte intimidating, you have to place trust in the person you choose to do business with.
The problem is that if you ever do have a problem, which thankfully is hardly ever, but if you do you are in for a really difficult time.

The order we placed an order and paid an extra $ten bucks so that we could get the order in two days, which would be the 20th


So here I sit once again, in a position of paying, more money than the item was even worth, just so that I would get the item earlier, but once again, after being disapointed I find myself without what I ordered, and the item is sitting about 40 miles away and they could not be bothered with delivering this item...

Now that really makes me angry, mostly because when I called them, they blamed it on the shipper.

And to add insult to injury, when I called the shipper gues what, ( Yes you got it, the shipper blamed it on Fedex )

So here we have the famous catch 22, you know for once I would love to have the truth from a shipper, you know, something like this.

" Just because you are paying an extra fee to have your item delivered early, does not mean that you will actually get the service that you think you are paying for "

I really think this is a sad state of affairs but hey I am just the guy that gets the shaft at the end of the day, neither the shipper or Fedex would accept responsibility for the Ten dollar mistake in communication and the service failure.

You know what, here is what you should do the next time you have the choice of paying an extra fee.


Just go with the standard shipping because in reality, you may allegedly end up with nothing for the money you spend, and no one will allegedly do anything..

It is the most allegedly frustrating expeience, you can have.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Writing Articles

Below are some examples of average writing, believe me when I say, it can get a lot worse than this.

Example of average writing, if you read it you can tell right away that it is just not up to par.

So lets take this line by line and make the average writing better.


Take a few minutes to follow along with us as we go through some of these writing topics.

Getting started with writing topics


Lets get started with the topic of writing and why not all writing is the best, we will not go into depth about writing like this was a writing course or a writing class but you should be able to get a good idea as to why a particular writing style may not be the best.

Let start with this line, often when writing you are tempted to over do it.


Lets take a look at that line above, they ask a question, to start the beginning of a book, that is just not professional, but then hey not every one can be stephen king right.

Ok, sure that makes sense, but if you were writing a book on getting organized you might want to do that first, right, so lets get orgnaized.

Starting with a title,

How to get orgainzed in ten easy minutes or less.

If you are one of those people that have a hard time getting organized in the evenings or early afternoons, then you will want to pay close attention to the contents of this book.

As you can now, see we have done a couple of very simple things here and we have changed up the way that the writing appears to the reader.

Check with our website,

Lets check on the next paragraph and while we can see it is ok, It needs to be changed so that it speaks a little better to the reader.


"Life is an amazing thing it can run you or you can run it" That my friends is the essense of being organized, if you want to have time to do the things you have always wanted to do, If you want to have time to achieve the goals you have always wanted to achieve, then you have to run your life not the other way around.

There is a time for everything, as one great man once said and so it is with life, there is a time to work, and a time to play, and there is a time to relax. Finding time to fit all this into your life can be a challenge, but it can be done and the best way to keep ahead of the demands on your life is to schedule your life ahead of time and stick to it as much as you can.

Take steps and actions to begin the organization of your life, you can take control and in the process learn how to help your family do the same thing.

So you can see, that by adding to the structure and the creating a better flow of information we have improved the writing.

Be sure to check back on a regular basis, as we will have more informative articles in the near future.


Download the software.

Download and run the software.


Then Download your PDF file.


Choose your software.


We have MAC OSX versions and Windows Versions, visit our website and choose the version you want.

Then just follow the directions and you can be up and running your own wordpress website in no time flat.


Introduction to Revolution Media.

First Get the software...


Visit this webpage to download the software for free.

Once you have the software installed, follow this introduction.

Once you have installed the software, open your source file.


This is the first screen you will see. once you get more comfortable with the interface you can use different parts of this menu to access the help files or your regular project files. This is the start menu and can be turned off and on as you like from the menu.

In the upper left hand corner of your screen you will see this menu.


Click the file menu to open your source files you received when you downloaded your package.

Use the open stack from the file menu


This will allow you to open your .rev files

Select the .rev file you want to open.


This will open your source file

You will see a file much like this one there are two a free version and a paid version.


The free version, has additional advertising, Hey we have to pay the bills, but for just a few bucks really less than the cost of a pizza you can get the paid version and it has a lot of additional information and source files, as well you get a premium membership option that will only be available to premium members. just think about it, were glad your here either way, but naturally we love it when you upgrade.

Now lets cover a few basics there are several places you can get information. One thing you might consider is the forum.


There are a lot of great folks there that dont mind helping you get started, but they generally will not do the work for you, understandable, the thing to remember is that you need to do at least some work, so you can demonstrate that you are willing to do what you can to help yourself, so asking someone to do the work for you will not do much good, but asking a question about why a script is not working and providing the script, now that will get you help.

Anyway, that works the same way at a lot of places online, so here is a link to the forum.

You will find that there are a lot of really cool resources available, however, it is sort of spread out and not user friendly, but if you do have a question we will try to help anyone and everyone we can (time permitting)

On the free version you can change three of the four links so lets get started.


From the view menu you will notice that you can navigate between cards.

Cards are like windows, each one is different, so you can go to the first card, or the next card, or the last card.

The above figure is for the MAC platform, windows may be somewhat different but you will be able to follow in the same way.

NOTE.. You can also use the arrow keys, but you first have to set this up in the preferences.

As you move between the cards, you will notice, that the first card, is the start card, this is the card that will show first.


The second card is the first link, this one we keep in the free version all the others are for your websites and the promoted products you want to promote. So the three card is where we will start out, first make sure you are in edit mode, take a look in the left hand corner of the screen.

click the edit script button.


This is where the magic happens, and this is where you will be surprised at how easy it can be to do programming and scripting.

This is the editing window.


You will learn a lot about how to use this software but for now, changing the link to your own link is really very easy.

As you can see the area in red, it is just a URL, change this to your own website or promotional affiliate link.

Then click the compile button. Thats it, your done, you can close or minimize the window, and move on to the next window.

The next card is the two card.


Again Right click the visit sponsor link and change the value to your own website.

Remember to click the compile button which will turn yellow each time you make a change.

Once you done go to the next card.

Now were on the next to the last card.


As before right click the graphic, then change the value as you did before.

This is the Bingo card, the payoff for your client.


On this card there are two scripts, which you need to change.

The first one is the download report script.

The second one is the See video Script.

Again you just right click and change the value, but you need to make sure that you have the exact download link.


Change the value to the value of your link, so if you upload a report, for your visitor, to your website, like so, or

This will allow you to deliver the payoff files to your clients.

Dont forget to click the compile button.

Ok, now were almost done, you need to setup a few options then you will be ready to upload this to your website.


From the file menu select Web application settings.

Note that you have several options, The Web option is the one you want. Click it.


Once you click the web option you will see the next screen.

There are several options, some will not be available in the free version of the software, but you can still do a lot.


You may not be able to do the affiliate link unless you upgrade, but for what were doing you wont need it.

Use the settings that you see in the screen shot.

then go back to the file menu again and save as web application.

Ok, so click save as web application and watch magic happen.


You may be prompted to save the stack, if so just click save.

Now, your ready to test it out.

you will see a prompt to accept, the rev plugin, click allow once.

This way you can test each time to see how it works, you can select always if you want too.

open the app where you saved it,


Next, click on the test.html so you can test out your web app, later you will want to change the name of this file to index.html or what ever you like .html

Here is your test page, test it out to make sure it works.


You will see the first screen in the series of cards, test it out to make sure that it is working the right way.

upload all your files to your web server.


Remember to change the name of the html file and to edit it so that it blends in with the rest of your website.

The searching

Want to know how to get good links to your website, then read on, cause this is how it works.

Getting started


Enter you search terms then take a look at what Google shows for links and page pr, but also check out this books4smarts

Getting Started.


You can get great Do follow Blogs right here, but you need to find the right links.

Picking the right do follow link, you can pick the right one and you can pick the wrong one.


Here is a good choice for our gardening niche because it complements the niche, gardening is very relaxing and in fact may be one of the best stress relief you can do for yourself. The PR, is not as important as the topic, dont waste your time, trying to get really high back links when you have a zero ranking, so this choice is very good for our niche, a PR 4 will count more in the linking game,

Submitting, how to improve you chances of getting approved.


Leaving a good responce is a good way to get your link approved, I know I have hundreds of links that come in all the time and the ones that make no sense, like " I really digg your blog, dude can I borrow a picture?" Those are like never approved because I know right away they dont make any sense at all.

So like in the example above, my comment, is a good relational comment, and the name, while funny is a good way to get clicks. but you may want to stay under the radar, because the fastest way to get your comment approved is in two things, your domain name and your email, if either one looks fake, it can be hard to get an approval, so always use a real email address. So check out our gardening site here.

keyword research

This lesson will show you one method of finding and saving keywords.

getting started, go to google adwords keyword tool


Once you get to the website tool provided by google, you can go to the next step in doing your keyword research.

enter in your keyword search terms.


type in your search terms, put about four or more words check the Use synonyms box then enter in the characters from the picture. Then left click the get keyword ideas button, you will then see the next screen.

select your keywords, view the data and select high value keywords.


Looking at this you can see that the search term blogging, has 450,000 thousand searchces, that is huge, but the term blogs, has 2,740,000 wow, but what if we put those two together, blogs, blogging that is a lot of searches. so lets click the add button, which is toward the end of each line.

click the Add link to add that keyword to your list.


Click on each term you want, pick ones that you know you will be more intereseted in using in your articles, more on that later. as you add keywords, you will notice, that a list is automatically generated, you can save that list in many different formats, lets save this one is a text file.

Notice how your selected keywords are now listed on the right side of the webpage.


Now, you can save your keywords, by clicking on the links, text csv for excel, csv, for now though lets keep it simple and save a text file.

saving your keywords.


Now you have a text file with all your selected keywords in it, you can now copy and paste those keywords, into your blog posts, and write using those keywords, it is really that simple, so for instance, lets make a sentence using those keywords above.

One of the best blog software you can get is made by wordpress.

Simple yes, effective you better believe it, making effective copy using keywords is the best way to start creating good SEO blogging articles.

Visit our website for more great tips tricks even software you can use to get ahead in your learning journey.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Updating a blog post

Learn how to update a post or article you have already created.

edit post


left click the edit link.

select a post to update, clicking edit


as you hold your mouse over the text you will see a menu appear. left click the edit link.

edit the post and make any changes you wish.


You can change the text in the top portion which is the title and the lower portion which is the body.

schedule your updated post then click the submit button.


You can also click on the edit button to change the time you wish to update the post. You can select the status of the post if you wish to change it however it is not recomended to change the status of the post unless you have more than one copy. Once you update the post your done.

To view more lessons, visit our website at